Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Daily Challenge

     I'm new at blogging but my Mother has done it for years and I have always thought it was a neat idea. Where to begin?
     I want this blog to be a place where parents can interact and share experiences. I guess the best way to start would be to tell a little about myself. I have two children, Jake, age 5 and Taylor, age 18. Of course I deal with all of the usual parenting issues but my biggest challenge is Jake. In May he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. For those of you who don't know, Asperger's is a high functioning form of autism. He is a rambunctious little boy who loves to be on the go. The diagnosis didn't come as a surprise, as I had suspected it for years. Hearing it from a professional though was extremely hard. All parents want their children's lives to be happy, carefree, and without any hardship. For Jake, I know he is going to face many battles ahead and have to overcome many struggles. His biggest issue is dealing with new situations. He can't go into a room of new faces without a severe case of anxiety. His usual response is to drop to his knees and begin growling. While I know this is just his way of coping, it is usually met with stares and murmurs of kids and parents alike. Both Jake and I are still learning how to make his life easier. Starting kindergarten this year is going to be a huge accomplishment.
     I hope that anyone reading this will share their biggest challenges and take comfort in seeing that they are not alone.
     Welcome to my blog, A Day in the Life. :)